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More than 1 million immigrants arrive in the U.S. each year. In 2017, the top country of origin for new immigrants coming into the U.S. was India, with 126,000 people, followed by Mexico (124,000), China (121,000) and Cuba (41,000).

USC Students Want John Wayne Exhibit Removed, Cite His “Enduring Legacy Of White Supremacy”

USC Students Want John Wayne Exhibit Removed, Cite His “Enduring Legacy Of White Supremacy” “With a lot of blacks, there’s quite a bit of resentment along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so,” Wayne said. “But we can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.” -John Wayne Full Article:

SHOCKER: White Woman Yells Racial Slurs At CU Boulder Students Studying

BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4) – Police officers at the University of Colorado Boulder are searching for a woman caught on camera yelling racial slurs at students. They were studying at the Engineering Center on Sunday. The CU’s chancellor and president have both condemned the racism in separate statements.

Still no anthem, still no regrets for Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf

NBA star lost millions after sitting in 1996 – and he’d do it again Denver Nuggets guard Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf stands with his teammates and prays during the national anthem before an NBA basketball game against the Chicago Bulls in Chicago. This was Abdul-Rauf’s first game back since he was suspended by the NBA on March 12, 1996, for refusing to participate in the national anthem pre-game ceremony. San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s decision this week to refuse to stand during the playing of the national anthem as a way of protesting police killings of unarmed black men has drawn support and scorn far beyond sports. Through the years, “The Star-Spangled Banner” has become a symbol of both patriotism and politics. AP. Full Article:

Penn States Athletic Director Responds to Alumnus Racist Letter to Football Player

“I would just like to see the coaches get the guys cleaned up and not looking like Florida State and Miami guys," Petersen told  the Tribune-Democrat . He said he didn’t intend for his letter to have racist undertones. “It wasn’t threatening or anything," Petersen explained. "I was just disgruntled about some of the hairdos that we’re seeing." "You think of Penn State as a bunch of clean-cut guys," Petersen added. "And you do see so many who are clean cut. But the tattoos and the hair—there are a lot of guys with hair coming down their backs and it just looks awful. And it’s the same for the NFL and NBA, too.”   Penn State tweeted about the letter on Monday evening.

Russian Propaganda Exploits American Racism

“By far, race and related issues were the preferred target of the information warfare campaign designed to divide the country in 2016,” the panel concluded. Full Article:


Commodification of culture refers to the use of a cultural traditions and artifacts in order to sell and profit off of the local economy. Tourist boards and tour agencies do this sort of marketing, promoting a Disneyland approach to a packaged ‘cultural experience’. We have even seen the internal cultural commodification filter into unconscious cultural appropriation back in our own home countries.


'BLACK MEN AND MGTOW' FUBU? These conclusions are taken from data based on dating sites, and natural selections females make in order to find a suitable mate. In this regard, it is white men who hold the power of keeping MGTOW not only in the mainstream media. But are also important in forcing females (feminists), to consider the consequences of alienating men (particularly white men) even further. To their own detriment. It is because of these factors that females (Feminists) are catching on to the MGTOW philosophy more and more. And slowly but surely, listening to the legitimate complaints that men discuss. Such as unfair treatment in family courts. Outdated laws in alimony and child support. As well as physical and emotional abuse perpetrated by females towards men. The lack of services compared to females for these abuses. As well as the severe deterioration with-in our education system in teaching our young men and boys. Lack of fathers in the lives of boys and t...

Theorizing Everyday Racism in Social Media Policing

Theorizing Everyday Racism in Social Media Policing The encoding of social media communication happens when a post is written and the interpretations of said post are to be understood by members of the intended audience.

Death row inmate wins appeal after judge’s ‘regular racism and antisemitism’ revealed

Death row inmate wins appeal after judge’s ‘regular racism and antisemitism’ revealed For more than 15 years on death row , Randy Halprin filed challenge after challenge to his sentence. The denials began to stack up. Finally, on Friday, one of his appeals persuaded Texas ’ highest court to stay his execution, which had been scheduled for 10 October. Halprin’s lawyers had found several people who said that the judge who oversaw their client’s murder conviction had regularly used racist language and referred to Halprin, who is Jewish , using antisemitic slurs. The lawyers had been spurred to investigate the judge, Vickers Cunningham, by an explosive report in The Dallas Morning News last year saying that he had promised to reward his children if they married a white, Christian person of the opposite sex. The report sank the judge’s campaign for Dallas County commissioner. Full Article:

Death row inmate wins appeal after judge’s ‘regular racism and antisemit...

For more than 15 years on death row, Randy Halprin challenged his sentence. Finally, on Friday, one of his appeals persuaded Texas’ highest court to stay his execution, which had been scheduled for October 10.

This drone video appears to show how Uighurs are detained and transferre...

China footage reveals hundreds of blindfolded and shackled prisoners Video shows what appear to be Uighur or other minority prisoners led away by police Lily Kuo in Beijing