Institutional racism, also known as systemic racism, is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organization. It can lead to such ... Systematic racism doesn't exist huh? Well. The facts say otherwise. Examples of systemic racism Copy. Paste. Send. Examples are not limited to African Americans. But is extended to impoverished minorities in the United States of America Policing: (profiling, traffic stops, violent encounters, shootings) excessive force Justice system: (harsher sentencing for minorities) Housing: (real estate, home ownership, mortgages, loans, equity) Health care: (disparities, access) Politics: (Voting rights, Runoff elections) Education: allocation of state/federal/district funding (schools/amount spent on each student, social services, biases) Hate crimes: (majority of hate crime victim are African American) Wealth gap: (earning for same levels of education/job, lending) Communities: (funding, infrastructure, investments)...