@young.activst Do African American Love The Police? ❗Leviticus 19:17❗ #policebrutality #blacklivesmatter #hongkong #police #repost #standwithhongkong #hk #nojusticenopeace #freehongkong #freedom #racism #therevolutionwillnotbetelevised #synagogueofsatan #nwo #antimasklaw #antichinazi #newworldorder #policestate #blm #policereform #massincarceration #fightforfreedom #protest #policeaccountability #hebrewisraelites #hkpolicebrutality #anon #protectblackyouth #stopcriminalizingblackyouth #israelites @yodadoja Wrong precept more like Leviticus 19:17-18 @cam_wildnout Issa curse @kingnehemiah12 Crazy as hell. They love the oppressor. Stockholm syndrome. @ezekiel_da_jew Bring it out bro. I had a girl in my class show me a video of her cousin getting jumped and she said retaliation is a must and when I asked her what about saundra bland she gave me a blank look. https://www.whytheracecardisplayed.com/
'An archive. Proof of Systemic Racism. Throughout history and in today's society. In America and abroad.' whytheracecardisplayed.com