Black female protesters make things worse black female protesters.Let the black men take the lead. Your only making things worse! no one gets black men killed or locked up more than black females. Black females only protest for black men when they're already dead Too emotional. # ahmaudarbery # GeorgeFloyd # breonnataylor Rile up the men. Rile up the police. Gassing up the men. Men act different around females. Call the police on black men then the next day u Protesting them Have no moral high ground to protest the police. You depend on them way too much Your voices can be heard well enough from home on social media a small number of men will make more of a difference than a large number of females as much as black females call the police (on black men) yall shouldnt have nothin bad to say about them
'An archive. Proof of Systemic Racism. Throughout history and in today's society. In America and abroad.'