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Chief medical officer demands end to racism towards Chinese-Australians over coronavirus

“The fact is any racist language or behaviour must not be tolerated and it must be called out,” he told Parliament. “All of us must stand up against ugly divisive and racist behaviour, which is being directed to some of our fellow Chinese-Australians.”


Benjamin Dixon @BenjaminPDixon If you’re a Black person out here promoting @MikeBloomberg, we need to have a serious conversation. Michael Bloomberg Apologizes for Stop-and-Frisk. Michael Bloomberg apologized Sunday for the New York Police Department's use of "stop and frisk," a policing tactic the former mayor and potential 2020 candidate has repeatedly defended as helping to lower the murder rate during his time in office while critics have slammed the measure as racist because it overwhelmingly impacts men of color.

Trump Voters Ignoring President’s ‘Racism’ Causing GOP Defections

Buttigieg said, “No, I’m very concerned about the racial division that this president has fostered. And I’m meeting a lot of voters who are no longer willing to look the other way on that looking for a new political home. I think it is one of the reasons why we have seen so many people in addition to the diehard Democrats who are coming to our events we are seeing independents and a remarkable number of people who tell me they are those future former Republicans that I like to talk about in our campaign.”


Here’s Bernie in 1986 talking about how George Wallace was a white supremacist and won a lot of votes in 1968 because of his explicit racism. Bernie explains how the Wallace campaign influenced the Southern Strategy and led to Reagan’s rise. 'An Archive. Proof of Institutional, Systematic Racism. Throughout History, and in Today's Society. In America and Abroad.'