'FUCK12' 12 TIMES I'VE BEEN STOPPED BY POLICE WITHOUT PROBABLE CAUSE '12' SLANG FOR COPS. ALSO: FIVE-O, DICK, ROSS, BASTARDS, FAGGOTS, POLICE, PIG, ONE TIME, DT, THE MAN, THE LAW, THEM BOYS, PO PO. "African Americans Are Soldiers Behind Enemy Lines. Like Any Good Soldier, If Captured, Provides His Name, Rank, and Serial Number. That's It." -jonathan d riley "We Do Not Talk To 12. We Do Not Cooperate With 12. We Are Stay At War With 12. We Do Not all 12. We Do Not Respect 12. Period. Why Not?" https://www.whytheracecardisplayed.com/post/fuck12 POLICE
'An archive. Proof of Systemic Racism. Throughout history and in today's society. In America and abroad.' whytheracecardisplayed.com