(CNN)America's pastime is sending a loud message as it begins its condensed season: Black lives matter. #mlb #blm For decades, fans have claimed baseball often mirrors society and in 2020, that rings true -- and loudly. (Photo by Alex Trautwig/MLB Photos via Getty Images) Opening Day should normally bring fans, awakening from winter hibernation, to ballpark grandstands adorned with American flag bunting. Covid-19 means those major league ballparks are largely silent, save for the crack of a bat -- there are no fans in the stands. But Major League Baseball, teams and players are also using this Opening Day to place Black Lives Matters center stage. "BLM," accompanied by the MLB's logo, has been stamped onto the pitcher's mound of the World Series-defending Washington Nationals --and the Los Angeles Dodgers -- on Thursday night. That's the most prominently displayed ballpark location during a television broadcast. On Friday morning, the Tampa Bay Rays se...
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