Separate and unequal: Racial segregation persists in America A social club in South Carolina recently refusing membership to a respected emergency-room doctor on the basis of his race is shocking, but not surprising. This is an American problem, a malaise found even in most unexpected quarters — including America’s top universities. The 49-year-old medic, Dr. W. Melvin Brown III., was the only one among 13 others who was denied membership in the Charleston Rifle Club. He was the only black nominee and would have been the first black member of the club that brings together people from different social classes — from celebrities and lawyers to police officers and factory workers. The voting process at the club was color-coded. One report reveals that a lucky white marble dropped in your box meant a yes vote, a black one stood for no. Six or more black marbles earned you an outright rejection. Dr. Brown received 11 black marbles. Dr. Brow...
'An archive. Proof of Systemic Racism. Throughout history and in today's society. In America and abroad.'