How Racism Has Shaped the American Farming Landscape Farming in the United States is enmeshed with both racism and capitalism in a way that has had a profound impact on who owns, accesses, and benefits from farmland. Recently, I published research with Portland State University student Amy Marion examining data on non-farming landowners , farmers who own and lease land , and farmworkers . We found significant racial/ethnic disparities when it comes to representation, land, and money. Perhaps not surprisingly to those familiar with structural racism in the food system , we found that white Americans are most likely to own land and benefit from the wealth it generates. From 2012 to 2014, white people comprised over 97 percent of non-farming landowners, 96 percent of owner-operators, and 86 percent of tenant operators. They also generated 98 percent of all farm-related income from land ownership and 97 percent of the income that comes from operati...