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The House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties is holding the hearing on H.R. 40, which calls for a commission to "study and develop reparation proposals for African-Americans," including a formal apology by the U.S. government "for the perpetration of gross human rights violations and crimes against humanity on African slaves and their descendants."

Whiskey Barrel alleged racist slur video goes viral

A viral video shows a bartender allegedly calling a customer a racial slur at Whiskey Barrel Saloon in Northwest Bakersfield, but the bar’s owner denies anything racist was said.

Texas Officers Punished Amid Nationwide Fallout Over Racist, Violent Fac...

The Dallas Police Department, one of eight jurisdictions where officers’ social media activity was reviewed by the Plain View Project, said in a statement that it was working with watchdog group’s founder to gain a complete list of names and posts of every DPD employee flagged and determining whether any policies were violated.

Congressman Lewis Opposes Anti-Immigrant...

Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) speaks in opposition to an anti-immigrant amendment offered during a markup of H.R. 3300, the Economic Mobility Act, held by the House Ways and Means Committee.

Reparations now Reparations tomorrow Reparations forever!

#blacklivesmatter #slavery #50cent #blackgirlmagic #black #reparations #reparations2020 #reparationsnow #reparationsmartphone

Letters from Joe Biden reveal how he sought support of segregationists i...

(CNN) — Joe Biden's road to a third presidential bid has been lined with a series of explanationsand apologies, illustrating the challenges of preparing a long record of public service for fresh scrutiny under the spotlight of the 2020 campaign.

Condi Rice Shuts Down NBC Reporter’s Claim That Racism Is Worse Under Tr...

Condoleezza Rice does not suffer fools and certainly does not suffer liberal media fools. She just shot down one intrepid NBC reporter who basically tried to portray Trump as a racist.