"…place the inferior races upon an equality with the superior; to make a mongrel people; to place a negro or greasy Chinaman on the same level with Grant the hero and Johnson the incorruptible Chief Magistrate.” "…gaping, bullet pated, thick lipped, wooly headed, animal-jawed crowd of niggers, the dregs of broken up plantations, idle and vicious blacks, released from wholesome restraints of task masters and overseers . . . . Greasy, dirty, lousy, they drowsily look down upon the assembled wisdom of a dissevered Union. Sleepily listen to legislators who have given them their freedom and now propose to invest them with the highest privileges of American citizenship.” https://legallegacy.wordpress.com/2015/09/18/september-18-1857-racist-oregon-constitution-adopted/
'An archive. Proof of Systemic Racism. Throughout history and in today's society. In America and abroad.' whytheracecardisplayed.com