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themusicindustryreport Full story in bio 🖲 Robert's death was ruled a suicide by Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner. Lt. Brandon Dean added that there was no indication Fuller tried to remove the noose from his neck. 📰 Read more in bio 🖲 @themusicindustryreport #robertfuller #blacklivesmatter mark_jaydentitus ANYONE NEEDS A BILL PAID DURING THIS CRISIS...HMU❔💰🦅 riican1738 They did that to him no 🧢


ATLANTA, Ga. (CBS46) -- A man was shot and killed by Atlanta Police after a struggle with officers near a metro Atlanta Wendy's location Friday night. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation was called in early Saturday morning to handle the investigation into the shooting. Atlanta Police said officers responded to a call of what appeared to be a man, identified as Rayshard Brooks, who had fallen asleep while in the drive-thru lane of the University Ave. Wendy's, causing other customers to drive around the immobile vehicle. #whytheracecardisplayed


The knee-to-neck move is banned by several major metropolitan police departments, but Minneapolis police allow police to restrain suspects' necks if they're aggressive or resisting arrest. Floyd was unarmed and handcuffed when he was pinned to the ground. Depending on the way someone's head is positioned and the weight of the person applying pressure to their neck, the knee-to-neck maneuver can cause significant damage. Someone in that position can draw enough breath to gasp or speak in spurts, but they can't breathe fully, so they gradually lose oxygen and fall unconscious. Another potential injury involves the placement of pressure. A great deal of pressure and weight on a suspect's neck can cause fatal damage. Police aren't usually taught the move in training The choice of restraint didn't fall in line with what police are taught in training, said Montgomery County Police Captain Sonia Pruitt. "You use the force necessary to have someone compl...


WELCOME TO THE AUTONOMOUS ZONE Seattle Protesters Are Occupying 6 City Blocks as an ‘Autonomous Zone.’ Some Fear a Police Crackdown Is Imminent At least 18 police officers arrive to the @SeattlePD East Precinct in the #CHAZ — the crowd starts to approach chanting, “EVERY DAY...” Protesters have taken a six-block zone under occupation in Seattle, creating a city within a city. At its center is a police precinct taken over after cops abandoned it to avoid a violent confrontation. Inside Edition cameras were inside the zone Thursday. The streets are barricaded, men with assault rifles stand guard at checkpoints. There are painted-over surveillance cameras, and a sign says "Welcome to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone." razsimone It’s not an autonomous community. None of us called it CHAZ..... that’s the media and people stopping by for selfies. Just stop letting cops kill people with no accountability and police stop killing black men 3 times more than you kill white men sta...


Anti police-brutality protesters have been confronted by armed men in cities around America in recent days, with some brandishing firearms or other weapons, some driving vehicles at crowds, and others – including members of the so-called “boogaloo movement” – claiming they have come to help anti-racism demonstrations. Further incidents involving firearms and other weapons have also occurred.  “It’s being used as a weapon to bulldoze human bodies.” While it’s still too early to determine the motive in each of the civilian cases, Weil said there has been a flood of posts online, both flippant and serious in tone, calling for protesters to be run down and celebrating the viral clips from the last week. Matt Walsh ✔@MattWalshBlog If you’re blocking traffic, vandalizing vehicles, trying to stop and assault drivers, and in the process you get run over and die, this is your fault, the person who ran you over did nothing wrong, and you are the bad guy. Who is now dead. Thi...


SHOUT OUT YOUR CITY BELOW! Crowds take to American streets in another weekend of protest. From New York City to Los Angeles, thousands of protesters gathered across the United States on Saturday for another day of demonstrations over the death of George Floyd last month. In Manhattan, several thousand people gathered near the northwest corner of Central Park in a demonstration called “The March for Stolen Dreams and Looted Lives.” Constance Malcolm, whose son Ramarley Graham was killed by a New York City police officer in his home in 2012, had to fight back tears before speaking into the megaphone. “I’m tired of crying,” Ms. Malcolm said. “We need our voices to be heard. That’s happening now and we need to take advantage of it.” She then had a simple directive: “Vote.”

Black female protesters make things worse

Black female protesters make things worse black female protesters.Let the black men take the lead. Your only making things worse! no one gets black men killed or locked up more than black females. Black females only protest for black men when they're already dead Too emotional. # ahmaudarbery # GeorgeFloyd # breonnataylor Rile up the men. Rile up the police. Gassing up the men. Men act different around females. Call the police on black men then the next day u Protesting them Have no moral high ground to protest the police. You depend on them way too much Your voices can be heard well enough from home on social media a small number of men will make more of a difference than a large number of females as much as black females call the police (on black men) yall shouldnt have nothin bad to say about them