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'THE LAST FATHER FIGURE' "Without the guidance of our fathers, what do we know?"  THE OLD MAN After being shot in the head, then in his back, I was left fatherless at 5 years old. Killed by a bartender of all people. The dickhead told the cops that he shot'em because he thought my old man was gonna rob'em.  The faggot police new the reputation and extensive record of armed robberies of my father. I heard the prick spent all of three days in jail.  I will keep his abuse of my mother brief. Only to say I witnessed the brutality and physical scars that a man can inflict on a female. But I do not hate him. Although he was not there for her or us kids, I love my father.

BLACKS AND VIOLENT CRIME: History, Statistics, Psycho Analysis

This article offers a psychoanalytic explanation of why blacks commit a disproportionate number—half—of violent crimes in the United States. Slavery and its crippling psychological effects are discussed, as are the devastating psychological consequences of the hundred years of discrimination, segregation, and anti-black terror that followed. The conclusion reached is that black aggression was stimulated inordinately by all this, while simultaneously the black superego was decisively weakened and rendered incomplete and conflicted. These psychological difficulties have persisted and become endemic among the poor, uneducated, lower-class blacks who populate the rotting core of many American cities. Unlike their parents and grandparents, however, they no longer fear imminent bodily harm or death at the hands of violent whites and no longer turn their aggression back upon themselves and become depressed, but feel free to externalize their aggression in periodic riots and violent crime.

American Immigration: A Century of Racism

The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics, and the Law That Kept Two Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European Immigrants Out of America Century, Immigration, Racism

Anheuser-Busch cuts ties with beer money fundraiser Carson King after racist tweets surface

Anheuser-Busch cuts ties with beer money fundraiser Carson King after racist tweets surface “Routine background check” of the subject’s social media history. They included “one comparing black mothers to gorillas and another making light of black people killed in the Holocaust.” Anheuser-Busch, Carson King, beer, money, racist tweet s


BY RACIST LAWS, POLICIES, HISTORICAL FACTS, CULTURES, VIOLENCE, AND DEATHS ‘All minorities in all societies in all historical periods have endured hostility from the government and the majority populations in the countries in which they live’  -Professor Panikos Panayi, De Montfort University EUROPE, RACIST, UNITED STATES

Black Females Devastate The African American Population!

“79 percent of abortion-offering Planned Parenthood facilities are within walking distance of black or Hispanic neighborhoods,” and “62 percent are near black neighborhoods.”

Interview with ex-officer sheds light on racist memorabilia found in home

MUSKEGON, MI – A former Muskegon police officer told investigators that several racist items discovered in his home don’t represent who he is and that he was sorry for the turmoil they created. Charles Anderson, 48, made those statements during interviews conducted by the Musekgon Police Department following a report he had Ku Klux Klan memorabilia and Confederate flags in his home for sale. The items were found by Muskegon-area resident Rob Mathis, who reported on social media seeing the items during a real estate tour of Anderson’s Holton-area home. Ex-police officer says KKK document was an antique, denies being racist Former Muskegon Police Officer Charles Anderson was fired on Sept. 12 following a lengthy inquiry into racist items found in his home for sale.