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Secret tape: Austin police chief angry over minority policing

A secretly recorded meeting, exclusive to the Austin American-Statesman, reveals Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo's anger over minority policing in Austin.

Bernie Sanders on Racism in Isreal

BernieSanders we have a right to say to the Israeli government that the US and our taxpayers believe in human rights and we will not accept authoritarianism or racism.

Young American Blacks Compare Racism with Young UK Blacks.

We need to speak openly and honestly about our global position in the system of racism white supremacy!!!! #brothahassan I stand with my brothers and sisters in the U.k. #whytheracecardisplayed

#1 rule in Latino homes is don’t marry someone black @georgelopez

I dont see this as racist. Thats the number one rule of every household of other races. My mom and aunt always told me never marry a white girl. #whytheracecardisplayed

James Watson and the Insidiousness of Scientific Racism

From 1956 to 1976, Watson was on the faculty of the Harvard University Biology Department, promoting research in molecular biology. From 1968 he served as director of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), greatly expanding its level of funding and research. At CSHL, he shifted his research emphasis to the study of cancer , along with making it a world leading research center in molecular biology. In 1994, he started as president and served for 10 years. He was then appointed chancellor, serving until he resigned in 2007 after making comments claiming a genetic link between intelligence and race . Between 1988 and 1992, Watson was associated with the National Institutes of Health , helping to establish the Human Genome Project . Source: Full Article: Insidiousness, James Watson, science

Schools finish game stopped after Native American racial taunts, but con...

Schools finish game stopped after Native American racial taunts, but concerns over cultural sensitivity remain. #whytheracecardisplayed

Racism is a lot like herpes. #BrianSimpson

#THEICONIUMFOUNDATION:  To "Teach black men skills that pay bills."  PAID Vocational Training In Minority Neighborhoods. Auto Body, Plumbing, Electrical Training, Welding, Masonry & More!