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Jews and Muslims Need to Have Each Other’s Backs in Trump’s America and Beyond

A heartwarming and inspiring recent episode on the London Tube reminds us: We are both minority faiths in a time when demonizing minorities has become acceptable. “2018 saw the highest number of hate crime murders in 27 years.” Full Article:

Undergraduate researcher team releases report on racism at Laurier 70 percent of respondents...

Ms. Grant says she and her team of student researchers presented the report to university administration, which included Ms. Cant, before the official launch of Being Raced in September. She hopes the report brings change to Laurier, without the university needing to conduct further research. “This was way too much labour for racialized people to [take on]. It wasn’t enough to say we’re experiencing it,” Ms. Grant says. “It’s 2019. It’s so hard to prolong this inclusion and diversity talk. Things need to happen.” Full Article:

The Greatest White Privilege Is Life Itself

White privileges are the relative advantages racism affords to people identified as white, whether white people recognize them or deny them. To be white is to be afforded one’s individuality. Afforded the presumption of innocence. Afforded the assumption of intelligence. Afforded empathy when crying or raging. Afforded disproportionate amounts of policy-making power. Afforded opportunity from a white network. Afforded wealth-building homes and resource-rich schools. Afforded the ability to vote quickly and easily.  Full Article:

Apologies abound in presidential race

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg suddenly feels regret — just in time for his run for president. As mayor of New York for 12 years, Bloomberg oversaw an aggressive, tough on crime, stop-and-frisk policy that disproportionately targeted African Americans and Latinos. And for that he is sorry. Full Article:

Lose Your Kin

White people must refuse reconciliation to ongoing brutality; they must rend the fabric of the kinship narrative   Full Article:

The U.S. seized over 1.5 billion acres of land from Indigenous people between 1776 and 1887.

The U.S. seized over 1.5 billion acres of land from Indigenous people between 1776 and 1887. Another 60 million acres were taken between 1887 and 1934. Today, most land under tribal jurisdiction (about 56 million acres) is held in trust by the U.S. govt.

The U.S. seized over 1.5 billion acres of land from Indigenous people be...

The U.S. seized over 1.5 billion acres of land from Indigenous people between 1776 and 1887. Another 60 million acres were taken between 1887 and 1934. Today, most land under tribal jurisdiction (about 56 million acres) is held in trust by the U.S. govt.