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Fake news, racism ‘more dangerous’ than Coronavirus

“Let us not join some misinformed people in their unfair anti-China racist stereotypes and xenophobic attacks, because this important Asian neighbor is the Philippines’ traditional ally and longstanding trade partner for over 1,000 uninterrupted years,” Liong said.

Appeals Court Finds Arizona Intended To Suppress Nonwhite Votes

Arizona’s “long history of race-based voting discrimination,” combined with legislators’ “false, race-based” claims of voter fraud “unmistakably reveal” an intent to discriminate on the basis of race, the 9th Circuit announced.


Transporting hundreds of inmates from Rikers (in Queens) to Soho is an experience that begins at 6 in the morning. It entails rounding up hundreds of prisoners, many groups going to other boroughs like Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx. Once we're corralled from or housings units then put in packed inside holding cells for 2 to 3 hours waiting on the buses to come to take us to court.

America Needs a Miracle

If humans simply cannot help their tribal instincts, then a truly multicultural democracy has a big challenge ahead of it. The emotions triggered are so primal, that conflict, rather than any form of common ground, can spiral into a grinding cold civil war. And you can’t legislate or educate this away. One fascinating study Klein quotes found that “priming white college students to think about the concept of white privilege led them to express more racial resentment in subsequent surveys.” Anti-racist indoctrination actually feeds racism. So tribalism deepens.

How Racism Helped Ruin NFL Superstar Michael Vick

Early in the film, we see a clip of the late sports commentator Jimmy Snyder explaining the prowess of African American male athletes according to a wildly offensive yet common eugenicist’s framework: “The slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman, so that he could have a big black kid, see. I mean, that’s where it all started.” The barely-visible sliver of truth in Snyder’s statement is that there is indeed a slave/master dynamic at play in professional sports, where black players especially are seen as the property not only of the league but of the majority white fans who crowd the stadiums and mainly white commentators who speculate in elaborate studios paid for by major corporations.


A look at #BlackWallStreet . A community of Black people, 300 human beings, murdered by a White mob. This wasn’t long ago. Racism and white supremacist terrorism remain as evils in America.

Trump's expanded travel ban targets Nigeria, five other countries

Three nations included in the updated ban - Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria and Sudan - have majority Muslim populations. Eritrea and Tanzania have sizable Muslim minorities.