89-year-old black grandmother forced to use bathroom outside after NC gas station refuses to let her use theirs
89-year-old black grandmother forced to use bathroom outside after NC gas station refuses to let her use theirs
An attendant at a North Carolina gas station refused to let a black 89-year-old woman use the store’s restroom — forcing her to relieve herself outside in 90-degree weather.
Charlotte, NC’s WBTV reported that Evelyn Redic was on a church trip when the van she was riding in had a flat tire. According to Redic’s granddaughter, Katossa Glover, the attendant at the Shell gas station denied her use of the store’s facilities despite her age and frailty.
Redic’s granddaughter noted in her now-viral post that the elderly woman had just been released from the hospital after having a stroke — a fact one of her fellow churchgoers explained to the attendant. Nevertheless, they continued to refuse her request to use the employees-only restroom.
Redic then went outside and used the bathroom in the grass alongside the station in the heat, and according to the report, had to go to the hospital to make sure she was ok afterwards.
“She said ‘I have never been so embarrassed,'” Glover told the news station.
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