Black man receives $200k settlement after he was fired for reporting police officer for using n-word during youth presentation
Black man receives $200k settlement after he was fired for reporting police officer for using n-word during youth presentation
“He made fun of the Mexican guy not being able to pronounce it,” Price told The Oregonian/OregonLive at the time he filed his lawsuit. “… It was just really ugly. It was terrible.”
Price is black and Latino and said he stopped the presentation. But when he went to complain to a manager it fell on deaf ears. Instead he was fired nine days later, the suit said.
In 2016, Price filed a complaint with the Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries after he was fired but they closed the case in November 2016 citing a lack of “substantial evidence” to prove retaliation.
However Price did reach a settlement agreement after all. Multnomah County and they agreed to settle the case for $200,000, which is 40% of the original amount he was seeking, Oregon Live reports.
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