‘Unite the Right’ Rally: White Nationalists March in D.C.
WASHINGTON — A year after the race-fueled violence in Charlottesville, Va., a small group of white nationalists marched through downtown Washington on Sunday on their way to a rally in front of the White House.
They were met along their route and at the rally site by thousands of counterdemonstrators denouncing racism and white supremacy. The groups were separated by metal fences and dozens of law enforcement officers guarding against any outbreaks of violence.
After marching from a neighborhood just west of the White House, the handful of supremacists took over a pocket of Lafayette Square, a park just north of the White House, tucked underneath trees. Many of them carried American flags, and several wore President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign hats.
The group’s organizer, Jason Kessler, stood on a platform with a microphone, addressing attendees who arrived before the event was scheduled to begin.
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