Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Imagine not only is your image's appearance the same as yours, but its thoughts, opinions, allegiances, experiences, desires, fears, are all the same as yours aswell. You have conversations with your image. Yous talk about sports, Religion, Family, relationships, politics, reminisce about the past, and disclose your intentions for the future (which are exactly the same of course).
You like him alot. You see him as yourself. And see yourself as him.
But now that the conversations are over, what happens now? What did the discussion accomplish? Did you or your image bring anything new to the table. Any new ideas or a different point of view? No. Because yous agreed on everything.
Now imagine your image has changed. It is now in total disagreement with everything you say. What you love he hates. And what you hate he loves. Your image hates your favorite sports teams, has a completely different religion, likes the opposite sex than you do, and what's worse, your image has an opposite point of view on every social and political issue that's dearest in your heart.
The more the two of you speak, the more your feelings change about your image. You dont like this guy so much now. Matter of fact, you cant stand him. You dont understand how its views can be do different from your own. You think of yourself and it as the same person. After all, yous look exactly alike.
But you look at him differently now. With distane, and disappointment. You dont understand him. You hate him.
The two of you nolonger have private debates amongst yourselves. But now he has left you and sided with the people you dont agree with. People you dont associate with. People who you consider bigots, zealots, conservative. And work against your fight for values like equality. Your image begins to expose your flaws. Points out cracks in your once rock solid solutions to social injustices. He reveales holes in your logic in how to make things better. The image even shares intimate knowledge about the both of you. Information that you feel should have stayed private and only known to you and him.
You feel deceived. Exposed. The image challenges you openly. He publicly dismisses your well thought out solutions as naive, full hearty and mere whishful thinking. He does this blatantly and for all your enemies to see. The animosity between the two of you is unmistakable. And everyone watching can feel the uneasy tension that you have with one another. You hate him even more for bringing these rifts to light. And feel betrayed by your own self.
For years you fight him. You try to convince him that he should think like you. You implore your image that you and him are one in the same. You remind him of the history you share. And persuade him to present a united front. But to no avail. Your image stands firm to his own beliefs. Finally you realize that you will never be able to change how he sees things.
But what can you do? You cant get rid of him. Hes always there. And will always be there. So you decide to stop talking to him, disown and disavow him. You proclaim bodly to all who woll listen that your image is nolonger apart of you. You cut off all contact with it. Have no more discussions with it. And make no more attempts to convince him to change. You only see your image when you have to now; while looking in the mirror.
By jonathan riley
Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Imagine not only is your image's appearance the same as yours, but its thoughts, opinions, allegiances, experiences, desires, fears, are all the same as yours aswell. You have conversations with your image. Yous talk about sports, Religion, Family, relationships, politics, reminisce about the past, and disclose your intentions for the future (which are exactly the same of course).
You like him alot. You see him as yourself. And see yourself as him.
But now that the conversations are over, what happens now? What did the discussion accomplish? Did you or your image bring anything new to the table. Any new ideas or a different point of view? No. Because yous agreed on everything.
Now imagine your image has changed. It is now in total disagreement with everything you say. What you love he hates. And what you hate he loves. Your image hates your favorite sports teams, has a completely different religion, likes the opposite sex than you do, and what's worse, your image has an opposite point of view on every social and political issue that's dearest in your heart.
The more the two of you speak, the more your feelings change about your image. You dont like this guy so much now. Matter of fact, you cant stand him. You dont understand how its views can be do different from your own. You think of yourself and it as the same person. After all, yous look exactly alike.
But you look at him differently now. With distane, and disappointment. You dont understand him. You hate him.
The two of you nolonger have private debates amongst yourselves. But now he has left you and sided with the people you dont agree with. People you dont associate with. People who you consider bigots, zealots, conservative. And work against your fight for values like equality. Your image begins to expose your flaws. Points out cracks in your once rock solid solutions to social injustices. He reveales holes in your logic in how to make things better. The image even shares intimate knowledge about the both of you. Information that you feel should have stayed private and only known to you and him.
You feel deceived. Exposed. The image challenges you openly. He publicly dismisses your well thought out solutions as naive, full hearty and mere whishful thinking. He does this blatantly and for all your enemies to see. The animosity between the two of you is unmistakable. And everyone watching can feel the uneasy tension that you have with one another. You hate him even more for bringing these rifts to light. And feel betrayed by your own self.
For years you fight him. You try to convince him that he should think like you. You implore your image that you and him are one in the same. You remind him of the history you share. And persuade him to present a united front. But to no avail. Your image stands firm to his own beliefs. Finally you realize that you will never be able to change how he sees things.
But what can you do? You cant get rid of him. Hes always there. And will always be there. So you decide to stop talking to him, disown and disavow him. You proclaim bodly to all who woll listen that your image is nolonger apart of you. You cut off all contact with it. Have no more discussions with it. And make no more attempts to convince him to change. You only see your image when you have to now; while looking in the mirror.
By jonathan riley
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