@blackhomeeducators He said it t blown out of proportion, and it ruined his life. Well, imagine our life. We have to live with people like you looking down on us as if we were not made in God’s image. Imagine the hurt that young man carries. It will be a forever sting when he thinks back on it. The first time I was called the N-word (by a white male) was when I was in college. A similar thing happened to me. The guy got upset because I was served before him at the bank teller. He said, “you N go back to Africa.” My reply “go back to Europe. This isn’t your country either.”
What hurt me more than the N-word was when he stated his day was much more important than my day. Although I don’t carry grudges today, I am WOKE to the reality of the nation. That guy was elderly, so there’s a possibility he has passed on and got the shocker of his life when he realized Jesus isn’t blonde with blue eyes. God is revealing hearts in this season. So thankful for cameras that are used to expose this evilness. I feel sorry for people like him. What a shallow life to judge someone by skin color. Sadly, it happens within the church also. I visited a church function where a person with a title in the church said blacks needed to get over slavery. 😳They are sooo not equipped to teach a diverse group of people. This is why I don’t go to those segregated social clubs that have talent shows each week. They say Sunday is most segregated day in the USA. I am about my Father’s business. I don’t have time to play church. We are the church, and church leaders need to understand the history of every race that attends their ministry. How can you help people you don’t understand? That’s a whole other topic. Lol. A church that understands and teaches on God’s Kingdom will be very diverse as the Holy Spirit draws all people into unity. How diverse is your church? My spirit-filled doctor told me he was reprimanded at his church for holding prayer services that were drawing blacks and Latinos. He said his pastor stated “what you are doing doesn’t reflect who we are.” church #pastor #youthpastor #ministry #churchflow #endracism #blacklivesmatter #revival #sermon #sermons #racism
@stargazer.lily2018 😢 sometimes churches hurt more than heal and that’s sad, when Yeshua returns they’re in for a rude awakening @entriguenlygumbo 🙌🏽
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