A the driver of a white Prius also got involved in an argument with protesters and then tried to drive off, police said. A group of protesters in a black pickup truck chased down the white sedan and cut it off. They and another group of people in a green Mustang confronted the driver and banged on the sedan’s windows. “The driver of the Prius attempted to flee the area and reversed into a green mustang behind it,” the police statement said. The Prius was then able to get away, but police say the driver was detained by Hollywood officers a few blocks away. No one was hurt in the second incident, police said. No arrests were announced. Police were continuing to gather information about both incidents. riot.ribs Terrorists in Los Angeles attacked a white prius earlier this evening. It is unclear what exactly provoked this response from the angry mob. My personal suspicion is internalized colonialism and economic anxiety. surfer_randy I would shoot if my vehicle was attacked. No question. 4ltwh.te Lol your caption prodigalson88 SLAUGHTER ANTIFA AND BLM ACTIVISTS... OR THEY WILL AMERICANS FROM ALL MULTICULTURAL GRUOPS IN AMERICA... MAKE THERFORE LOVED ONES PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST AMERICA https://www.patreon.com/theiconiumfou... sortabright 😳
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