This clip shows Alexander Jones, a former member of SAIMR (South African Institute for Maritime Research,) a white supremacist mercenary group in Africa, describing the extent of their activities and admitting his involvement with them. • By Jones’ account, SAIMR was involved in military operations in African countries with the goal of maintaining white racial domination and control. They staged coups, gave military support, and claimed to have been responsible for assassinating UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold, who was pushing for African nations to have greater self-determination. • The most abhorrent thing Jones recounts is the way that SAIMR intentionally spread AIDS under the guise of providing free vaccinations to Black people in South Africa and possibly in other African nations as well. Black people worldwide have faced European attempts at genocide where nothing is off-limits, including experimentation and biological warfare. • This clip is from the documentary “Cold Case Hammarskjöld,” released in 2019. • #Oppression #WhiteHegemony #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteSupremacists #ProBlack #AfroCentric #PanAfrican #HateCrimes #WarCrimes #Atrocities #SAIMR #ColdCaseHammarskjöld #AlexanderJones #AIDS #HIV motherofthree_12020 😒 Be dumb and trust these demons if you want to!!! EVERY DAY they let us die in the streets, survive by any means necessary , systematically oppress, set up Eugenics clinics in our neighborhood, set up plasma donation centers I mean fuck!! Now we are the most vulnerable and must be protected from this virus 🙄 THEY DONT GIVE TWO FUCKS ON GP & YALL TRULY BELIEVE THAT SHIT IS FOR OUR BENEFIT COME ON!!!! nebulaode Vs N no
Brian (Waterhead Bo) Bennett So who was the biggest black kingpin of all time? Just how do you measure that? Money, volume of dope, power, cultural impact? Perhaps it was Frank Matthews… you can learn more about him in my documentary “The Frank Matthews Story” link. But in terms of documented transactions that we know about for sure, who was convicted in court: One man stands alone. Brian “Waterhead Bo” Bennett. Bennett and his Colombian Partner, Mario Villabona, were eventually convicted of moving nearly l5 thousand kilos that they talked about on certain wiretaps between December of 1987 and November of 1988. Some of the loads were as large as 1000 kilos and cheaper than $9,000 dollars each wholesale. That’s 1500 keys a month for nearly a year. And that’s just on the wiretapped phones. Who knows how much he really sold in total. Claims are made about this one and that one selling more, but 15,000 keys sold for sure is the most we know about for any black dealer. Waterhead B...
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