Columbia University's Teacher's College finds swastikas and anti-Semitic slurs spray-painted on her office walls
The office of a Jewish psychology and education professor at Teachers College, Columbia University has been vandalized with swastikas and an anti-Semitic slur.
Professor Elizabeth Midlarksy discovered the disturbing Nazi symbol and slur 'YID' spray-painted in red on her New York City office walls Wednesday afternoon.
She alerted campus security and the incident is now under investigation by the NYPD. There is no known suspect.
Midlarsky, who is Jewish, is a also a prominent Holocaust researcher who has written a number of articles and papers on the subject.
'I was in shock,' Midlarsky told theColumbia Spectator. 'I stopped for a moment, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing.'
She added that she is an organ donor recipient who has been battling health issues.
This isn't the first time her office has been vandalized with anti-Semitic blasphemy.
A swastika was spray-painted on her door and anti-Semitic flyers left in her mailbox in 2007.

Swastikas and the slur 'YID' were spray-painted in red on her office walls (pictured)
She described the first incident as 'horrifying but not surprising' because of her 'relatively visible status as a Jew' at the time, the Columbia Spectator reports.
She had become prominent for a number of published papers and articles regarding her Holocaust research.
Her publications include 'Personality correlates of heroic rescue during the Holocaust' and she describes her research areas as 'altruism and religiousness through the lifespan; rescue during the Holocaust and responses by survivors and their progeny.'
However, she believes this act 11 years later is due to rising hate crimes and Anti-Semitic views in the US.
'Anti-Semitism is really in the wind now,' she said. 'I didn't expect to be a personal target right now. I'm not standing up there waving banners. I'm not out there making announcements publicly.'
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