Most cops, white people period, are kkk hood or not. Please !
If they are entrenched in the Police, it is the perfect job for them, and I bet they are in all the Govt beaureaus, and have been for a very long time
But there's sooo many more
The racists policing the racists is like the police policing the police. Damn near impossible in this country!!!
All these mf racist
That iconic BiggieSmalls shirt becomes more apparent by the day
What we already knew. 2 down millions more to go.
Only 2 😂
Keep it real ankh_luv! 💯 I am a music producer, do you mind checking out my music and let me know what you think?
Omg 2 cops were discovered dealing with the KKK ?!?!?!? 😮😮 Well I mean that's like 80% of the rest of them as well. *sarcastically speaking *
@whittinez they forgot “million” after 2 🙄
@whittinez they forgot “million” after 2 🙄
@michepeachie 😭😩😩😩😩
Only 2😂😂😂😂😂😂❗❓❗
Fake News! Anyway what is wrong with being in the Kentucky Kipper Klub....
Fired ?
No jail time ?
This isn’t news 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
This has been the reality
The judicial system was brought upon by the kkk and continues on today
Is this meant to be a surprise?
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