@EricQuachSpeaks Asians will be stocking up on guns because of the racism in America. #COVID19 #coronavirus
1st wave, Asians stocked up on sanitizers & Clorox wipes. 2nd wave, Asians stocked up on toilet paper.
3rd wave, Asians stocked up on food. In the 4th wave, Asians will be stocking up on guns because of the racism in America. #COVID19 #coronavirus
🚀 @EricQuachSpeaks @EricQuachSpeaks
Those who are trying to defend this attack saying it isn’t a racist attack or hate crime — listen closely at ~0:25. One of the attackers say “this Chinese f*ck”. STOP JUSTIFYING HATE CRIME. SMFH. #COVID #CORONAVIRUS #hatecrime #racism #COVID19
Tom The Connector Billed cap🤙🏽
@TomTheConnector @EricQuachSpeaks
Just a few months ago it seemed white people were trying to tell asian people that they weren’t minority enough to count. It cuts deep.
Unicorn of Your DreamsGlowing starBilled capMilky Way
@Unicorn4Change Not simply white people, I would broaden that to the nation in general; the press, the politicians, the bourgeoisie. All were guilty of erasing asians from the POC conversation.
@EricQuachSpeaks Tips for all Asian Americans:
1. Avoid confrontation 2. In case engaged by a group of people, fight back with all you’ve got and focus on one of the them. Aim for eyes, nose, and groin.
Those trash are usually cowards and once you take one down, the rest will flee.
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