I will admit that im a 90s kid. I will admit that i am a huge fan of the pied piper.
I grew up on bump and grind. Tp-2.com, twelve play, lord knows an 'down low'. Come'on now.
I even remember vividly when he was apart of 'public announcement'. Vibe, 'honey love', 'slow dance'. And even though i thought it impossible, 'sweet sade' made me love my moms even more. R. Kellys music got me through some hard times. In the mid 90s i was in group homes. His self titled album took me away for awhile. Kept my spirits alive. Took me back home.
I can still recall the feelings that came over me once the beat from 'when a womans fed up' video started.
I was locked up during that time.
My first trip to big boy jail.
In the late 90s and early 2000s, i memorized fiesta. 'Feeling on your booty' not only put lil kim back on the map, but it was single handedly responsible for countless first dances with chicks in the clubs. Those songs also helped me through some rough patches with my BM. An that 'i wish' had the hardest gangstas singin 'come'own an braid my hair' (whether they had a fro or fade).
I moved to nyc in late 01. The following year my ears were blessed with the 'best of both worlds'. I remember buyin the CD in midtown. Thay same night I brought it witb me to a get together me and my friends were having in harlem (edgecomb). I remember my boricua shorty goin crazy once i should it to her. 'Dont play it right now. Its too early. Wait till we buzzin. I dont wanna wear it out yet'. She says.
Then the chocolate factory hit. I was livin on the streets of NY then. Hard times. Until 'step in the name of love' came on. Until 'ignition' came on. Those tracks provided a brief, but much needed reprieve from the jungle.
We'll be here forever if i list all that man's hits (down low, contagious). Not to mention his countless features. So lets move on from the music.
I heard about him and aaliyah a long time ago. Didnt like it. But i kept rockin wit'em.
Because he kept droppin hits.
Then the video of him and the young girl touched down. The pee'n sitcho. I watched it. Thought it quite odd. Didnt hold it against the man. Then the charges came. And i found out her age. The coverage and satire of the 'event' was everywhere in 02-03. U couldnt get away from it (pre social media). I even heard two old white ladys talkin about it. But i kept rockin wit'em. Cause he kep droppn hits.
Then all the charges were dropped. What happen? Then 'happy people' dropped. Then 'U saved me' dropped. 'Tp.3', 'Double up', 'Black panties', 'The buffet' dropped. What sex tape? Granted those weren't as good as the older ones. But the man had alot on his mind. He'd been through alot by then.
Then the 'cult' stuff started. Mostly by the white folks. U know aint no niggas startin no cults. Those chicks were doin what every chick does. Serve themselves on a platter to celebrities on their own free will. Even after his questionable past, and all the bad press and all the accusations. They still came (apparently in droves).
Now this documentary mess. I haven't watched it. Aint gonna watch it. Don't need to watch it. Don't have to watch it. Dont want to watch it. And the reason is i already no wats goin on. And wat the outcome will be. One white or female run system will get involed. It'll remove his music off their platforms. Kill him during interviews. The press will eat him alive. His history of fuckin much younger girls will come back to light (as they should). And talk of charges will be considered and investigated by law enforcement (fuck12).
A few females will give enterviews about how bad they were treated at his house. Get their lil 15 of fame (With no shame).
No reporter will ask them the right questions. Like, 'what u doin there in the first place girl? Aint u heard about all the rumors about kell? About him and the young girls? The charges against him? The trial? But u went over there anyways? Did he kidnap u? Did he hold u hostage? Did he keep u from leaving?
Or did he disrespect u? Treat u like a hoe? That got u made huh? Thats y u on tv talkin now. Did u leave after that first insult? Or the first strange request? Na. What bout the second? Na'.
'I bet the nigga kicked u out. He got tired of fuckin yo ass after a while then got rid of you. That made u mad huh? Feel some type of way now huh? In front of the camera doggin homie cause he dogged u huh? Yea.'
I've seen clips the chicks on youtube. Complaining about the weird, sick things he likes sexually. I've heard'em talk about how disrespectful with females he is.
But you no what i aint heard or aint gonna hear none of them hoes say? 'He rapped me', 'he kiddnapped me', 'r-kelly kept me at his big ass mansion against my will'.
Females have noo problem telln. And if that stuff did happen, best believe them chicks would have told everything an the nigga would be in jail (rightfully so). But it never happened. Aint gonna happen. My guy still walkin around free. Living his best life. ;)
So talk all u want. I basically telln on yo self. Letting everybody know the type of female u r. Trouble.
Ps. There is no question who the king of r&b is.
From -jonathan donnell riley
(middle finger emoji)
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