This Fusion Comedy video is a pretty accurate reduction of how the police target Black people. Studies have shown that Black people are pulled over more often than white people throughout the day, but when it’s nighttime and it’s harder to tell the race of the driver, that disparity drastically shrinks. We see the disparity in how police treat Black people when a stop is conducted. Being Black is considered a threat, being Black is considered disrespectful, being Black is considered resistance, and we are punished for it. Frederick Douglass pointed out this fact in 1883, stating that it is “the general disposition in this country to impute crime to color.” • #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #ACAB #ACAB1312 #1312 #FTP #Fuck12 #AbolishThePolice #AbolishPrisons #DefundThePolice #DefundPolice #Protests2020 pretteeblack @ferragamojv this is actually not funny because its so many of our reality.. doing nothg wrong smh it not protecting and serving pretteeblack @pretteeblack nothing *👆🏾
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