Outrageous 'joke' by failed presidential candidate remains unexplained
Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state who has twice been denied the White House, said something outrageous in a recent podcast interview that was also filmed live.
Even if she was joking, it was a racist comment that would see virtually any Republican or conservative rightfully skewered for saying or doing the same thing.
The moment came just days ago when “Recode” podcast host Kara Swisher (pictured above left), who was conducting an interview with Clinton, asked her about Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), as The Daily Wire reported.
“I adore him,” Clinton said of Booker.
“But what do you think of him saying, ‘Kick them in the shins’?” Swisher asked her, mistakenly naming Booker as the one who said this, rather than Eric Holder, former President Obama’s attorney general.
Earlier this month, Holder said of Republicans, “When they go low, we kick them. That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.”
Clinton corrected Swisher immediately. “Well, that was Eric Holder,” she said.
“Eric Holder — oh, Eric Holder, sorry,” Swisher replied.
Then Clinton quipped, “Yeah, I know, they all look alike.”
The audience laughed — and so did Clinton.
Swisher said immediately, “No, they don’t.”
Then Swisher inexplicably praised Clinton for the remark. “Oh, well done,” she said, as the audience applauded.
Clinton then said she was “paid by Mark Zuckerberg to say that,” referring to the founder and CEO of Facebook. She did not elaborate on what exactly she meant by that.
Jarringly, Clinton had just delivered a “haughty speech” before she made her racist joke, as The Daily Wire noted.
“What’s often called political correctness is politeness. It’s respecting the diversity that we have in our society,” Clinton intoned. “The Democratic Party is a much more diverse political party, attracting people who are African-American, Latino, LGBT … And I don’t think it’s politically correct to say, we value that.”
She added, “I don’t want to go around insulting people, painting people with a broad brush,” she said. “That’s childish.”
It was after that statement that she veered off course into racist territory, with a joke that was both childish and wholly inappropriate.
One of her closest longtime political aides hinted just recently that she may be spoiling for a rematch with Donald Trump.
“It’s curious why Hillary Clinton’s name isn’t in the mix — either conversationally or in formal polling — as a 2020 candidate. She’s younger than Donald Trump by a year. She’s younger than Joe Biden by four years,” said Philippe Reines, according to The Daily Wire.
“Is it that she’s run before? This would be Bernie Sanders’ second time, and Biden’s third time. Is it lack of support? She had 65 million people vote for her. There’s no one in the Democratic Party who has anywhere near a base of 32 million people. That’s multiples of what a Sanders or a Warren have,” he added.
See Clinton make her comments in the video below.
Source: lifezette.com
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